Tax Doctor provide all administrative services required for Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) to ensure the fund remains compliant with the rules as prescribed under the SIS Act, SIS regulations and Australian Taxation Office guidelines.
Our service offering includes preparation and provision of:
- Financial Statements and Returns: This includes the preparation of Annual Accounts, Member’s Statements, Income Tax and Regulatory Returns.
- Annual Superannuation Documentation: This includes a Tax Payment Schedule for the current and future income tax year, Trustee Minutes, Death Benefit Nominations and other documents required to complete the SMSF for the relevant year.
- Member Contribution Statements.
- Member Contribution and Withdrawal documentation.
- Annual Pension and PAYG Withholding calculations: This includes calculations based on the relevant pension taken; the tax payable on the pension; preparation of the member’s PAYG Payment Summary and the Annual PAYG Payment Summary Statement.
- Business/Instalment Activity Statements and Annual GST Returns.
We also provide assistance with the establishment of a SMSF including preparation and lodgement of the relevant forms to obtain:
- A Trust Deed for the Superannuation Fund (prepared by Battalion Legal).
- The Australian Business Number, Tax File Number and Complying Fund status (issued by the Australian Taxation Office).
Trust Deed upgrades:
- Preparation and lodgement of the relevant forms to obtain an amended Trust Deed from Batallion Legal. It is vital that a SMSF keeps its Trust Deed up to date so that the SMSF does not miss out on opportunities created by changes to the SIS legislation.
Corporate Trustee appointments including preparation and lodgement of the relevant forms to obtain:
- Corporate Trustee (obtained from Trustdeed).
- Deed of Variation (prepared by Batallion Legal)